Monday, September 14, 2009

You aren't finished - dream big!

Sometimes we find ourselves feeling overwhelmed, just trying to keep our footing in the sand that seems to be washing from beneath our feet, let alone trying to move forward….

Good news!! Today is a new day full of new challenges, opportunities and even a new friend or two. Remember – nothing today is by accident. There will be amazing people dropped before you for whom a mere smile will trigger a conversation or an elevated spirit in both of you.

Remember your big rocks – those items of greatest importance in your life. Get at least one in to your day today: it may be as simple as a phone call to a friend, getting in a work out, reading a chapter in a book, or simply planning your week or day for tomorrow. You will derive energy and a sense of accomplishment great enough to propel you into the remainder of your day and even tomorrow with a renewed sense of purpose, for there are great plans for you that have already begun.

Remember… dream big and each small step will account for more than you bargained for. Your legacy is depending on it.

For I am confident of this very thing, that He who began a good work in you will perfect it until the day of Christ Jesus. (Philippians 1:5-7)

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