Thursday, June 3, 2010

In times of Change - Be Still and Know....

Change seems all around me these days and for several months. It's no use "waiting it out" for stabilization...I've been "on hold" in some ways and it's time to get on with living this day with all that it holds - even if on wobbly ground. As the change swirls around me I close my eyes and when I am listening, really listening, I hear that still small voice that says to me...."Be still, and know that I am God; …." (Psalm 46:10)

Another version says – “cease your striving and know that I am God;”

I love to hear that whisper to my heart, my very spirit. I am grateful for that promise today… and I am still in wonder at the beauty, the majesty of our earth and that the Almighty Creator of all of the Universe takes time to speak to me from a love that we can’t come close to imagining, but He calls us to accept. It is truly a miracle that in my infinitesimal being – He speaks to me, loves me and even knows my name. Miracle of miracles – He came here to save us… and I stand in awe – grateful, amazed, blessed and embraced.

 Hmmm....when your artificial tree sheds more needles than any real tree at the time of removal, there may be a problem.  I'm thinking i...