Monday, August 20, 2012

Be a Spark Toward Love and Good

My folks forwarded a wonderful, true story to me this evening. It is the story of Delta Flight 15. They were on a transatlantic flight when the events of 9-11 unfolded and they were instructed to land at the nearest airport. They ended up landing at an airport in Gander, Newfoundland as did 52 other jets. This town and surrounding areas of 10,400 hosted some 10,500 passengers as they were stranded for days. They welcomed them into their homes, acted as tour guides, served them wonderful meals and befriended the people stranded there. The passengers of Delta 15 were hosted by the town of Lewisporte. Upon their return to the airplane, a doctor proposed that they do something for the town that so willingly, even lovingly, hosted them during our country's time of crisis. He proposed a college fund for the town's students which he would match. By the end of the flight, there were commitments totalling $14,000. As of the date the stewardess penned her experience over $1.5 million was raised and 134 students had gone to college on the trust fund.
The stewardess shared the story because she wanted to remind us all that people can be amazingly kind, loving and generous.
I was certainly inspired and I hope the story inspired you as well. In times of life's great challenges we can all be a gift to another providing shelter in the storm or gratitude for the shelter provided.
And let us consider how we may spur one another on toward love and good. Hebrews 10:24
Let's go out and change our world....spurring one another toward love and good deeds.

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