Tuesday, May 8, 2012


Wow!!! What a blessing! As I walked out of work today, a cool breeze was blowing and the sky had a couple of isolated, yet dark and menacing clouds. I thought perhaps we'd be in for a sprinkle, but as the night wore on, the bright flashes of light and rumbling told a more fabulous story! It was a wonderful surprise. Boom!! You're just going along and BAM a blessing just falls from above. Blessings,however, don't often show up with a flash and bang and we don't always call them blessings when they come. I don't think we will know until we leave this life, all those things we saw as annoyances and inconveniences and even trials that were indeed blessings: the alarm that didn't go off and further delay as the road was blocked with traffic due to a horrible accident - the one we might have been in had we been on time that morning; or the metal sliver that the wind blew into an eye, causing a doctor's visit, the exam revealing a more serious condition that, if discovered later, might have been fatal; or the job we didn't get...only to find that had we been employed at that time, our resume might forever carry the mark of a company that had defrauded its customers.

I encourage you to look back and to reflect on situations in your life that you could not see a benefit in at the time, but how God truly did work ALL things together for your good. Still, we see only a glimpse. I can honestly say, however, that some of my deepest and darkest times have also been times of incredible spiritual growth as I leaned wholly and only upon God. I wouldn't necessarily choose to walk through them again, but I wouldn't change those times in my life. But today, I encourage you to enjoy Laura Story's song, "Blessings". I've provided the link here for your convenience.


The Lord bless you and keep you; the Lord make his face shine on you and be gracious to you; the Lord turn his face toward you and give you peace. Numbers 6:24-26

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