Wednesday, January 27, 2021

Today is a day filled with wonder, trouble, joy, sadness, love and even hate.

The news screams of children (11-5) killing other children mob-style - meaning as a mob upon one person.  People are aghast!  They ask - how can this be?  There've been 3 such murders of other children in the same state over the last month.  "It must be the parenting, they say."  REALLY?!?!?  While I believe that is definitely contributory, how about looking at the mainstream media who, for nearly the last year, have glorified the same behavior of rioters mobbing individuals, setting businesses on fire, stealing from them and "partying" in the street about these action with no consequences, politicians calling for violence and murder against anyone supporting our former President or his supporters and they are applauded with no consequence.  The message to children -  if someone doesn't agree with you, you have the right to harm them....even kill them and there will be no consequences, because afterall, they dared to disagree with you."

Oh, how we need a heart change - revival in our land.  

Beloved, let us love one another .... (1 John 4:7a)

Finally, brothers, whatever is true, whatever is honorable, whatever is just, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is gracious, if there is any excellence and if there is anything worthy of praise, think about these things. (Philippians 4:8)

What if we did this? We could see the beauty of the changing weather - even a "simple" cloud in the sky.  Rather than seeking and seeing others faults or where we are not in agreement, we could see the beauty of God's creation in that individual.

I hope you are enjoying a beautiful day as you seek to love one another!  God bless you!

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